Sunday, May 9, 2010

What does a Glass Studio Look Like? Here's Mine...

Have you ever wondered what a lampwork glass studio looks like? Here are some pictures of mine....propane/oxygen torch, kiln for annealing beads, and LOTS of glass rods!
My glass studio
My glass workbench, with torch in the centre, and kiln to the left.
SOME of my glass dear hubby built the storage unit for me.
My waxing and casting workbench
My annealing kiln...gets up to 2000 degrees. I can use it for precious metal clay, fusing, and melting precious metals.

One of my oxygen concentrators...takes room air and filters out the oxygen, which is then pumped to my torch.
That way I don't have to have an oxygen tank in my house.
....note TWO fire extinguishers...gotta be safe!
Broken arm casting machine, for casting gold and silver pieces.
Me making a bead...melting a rod of glass in the flame of the torch.
My Nortel minor propane/oxygen torch, with graphite marver on top.
I also have a Nortel Midrange torch, with a Minor mounted on's much bigger.
Me making a bead...melting a rod of glass in the flame of the torch.

1 comment:

Tracey G Monette said...

Love seeing what your studio looks like - but I want to paint your walls a friendly warm mustard color. Bwahahahha.